Mantova and Mantovanity:
more than a physical location, it is a way of being

Located in the heart of the “Bassa” (the lower part of the province), between the Mincio and Po rivers, Mantova is a city where a wealth of history and vibrant life meet to soothe the soul. It is the proud capital of a fertile, generous and welcoming land, where nature, millennial history and authentic flavours coexist harmoniously.
Only here could the most authentic Mantovanity be born: a combination of fine living, a taste for beautiful things, the pleasure of being together, conviviality and good food. The treasures of Mantova, an ancient capital of taste, could only have been created here and are now captured and available with the precious Mantovanity boxes.

Art and culture

Mantova, a Unesco World Heritage Site, is a unique city where ancient history and art, the Renaissance splendour of the Gonzaga family and modernity come together in a unique mix.


The Mantuan passion for eating and living well, immersed in the beauty of fascinating nature and magnificent historical and artistic vestiges should be enjoyed by everyone.


Territorial and agricultural resources are at the foundations of the Mantuan cuisine: pork, freshwater fish, wheat, Vialone Nano rice and Grana Padano cheese.


The banquets held in the Gonzaga court of Palazzo Te were memorable. Yesterday as today, from Tortelli (a typical local stuffed pasta dish) to Mostarda (the local equivalent of a chutney), from pike served in a special sauce, to Lambrusco wine: the precious fruits of a fertile land.

Fine living

Visitors to Mantova are fascinated by its unspoilt beauty, the friendly, welcoming atmosphere, and the chance to savour the true taste of the 'dolce vita'.


From the Morainic hills to Lake Garda, in the south, the low Po valley of the Oltrepò: these are the natural borders of the province of Mantova. A beautiful and rich land, waiting to be discovered.

Italian Capital of Culture 2016
European Capital of the Culinary Arts 2017


I am Giovanna Grossi, a true Mantuan, born and bred. My idea for Mantovanity came about by bringing together three of my passions: delicious food and fine living, a love for my city and the desire to bring Mantova and its traditions to the world beyond our province.
With these five boxed sets, I have captured the heart of Mantova’s food and wine excellence, which can be chosen based on one’s particular tastes, to share and enjoy wherever and with whomsoever you like.




Mantovanity proposals created for you

Getting started

100% Mantuan, the grissini (large bread sticks), Grana Padano cheese and Mostarda. For those who always wish to start in taste.


Getting more

A surprising mix, which includes Mostarda, Mantuan Salami, grissini ai ciccioli, Schiacciatina and Torta Sbrisolona. For those who want to savour the full Mantovanity flavour.


Getting spicy

This is a showcase for her majesty, “Mostarda”: there are four different flavoured types of Mostarda to try. For those who want to add that extra touch of flavour to any occasion.


Getting sweet

From the purest Mantuan tradition, two varieties of Sbrisolone and Rose cake. For those who can't give up on sweetness.


Getting happy

Given their important role as some of the fruits of our rich and fertile land, a selection of Mantuan DOC wines could not be missing. For those who always seek the pleasure of living well.


More info

Do you want more information on the box sets, or do you want to give Mantovanity as a gift to customers and friends?


How i select
mantovanity proposals

Only local producers

I carefully select only local producers from Mantova and its province, who perpetuate the flavour of the rural traditions through the ages with products from our land.

Artisan products

I only choose typical products from small artisan companies in the province of mantova, that are appreciated for being the genuine and authentic tastes of mantuan tradition.

Top-quality materials

Only the best quality, strictly-monitored raw materials are used, to bring all the genuine goodness of the mantova area to your boxes.

Discover all the boxed sets

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