Special tasting proposals to savour the treasures of the Mantuan food and wine traditions

Getting started

For those who always want to start with delicious tastes

The full, delicious flavour of Grana Padano is perfectly combined with the sweet and spicy taste of the traditional mantuan mostarda di mele campanine (apple chutney with a variety of local “campanine” apples). The genuine crunchiness of mantuan grissini (large breadsticks) is a must with this delicious combination.



  • 1 Grissini packet 250gr
  • 1 Grana Padano cheese package 500gr
  • 1 Jar “Campanine” apples Mostarda 150gr

Getting more

For those who wish to savour the full Mantovanity flavour

A surprising mix that combines the spicy flavour of mostarda di mele campanine (local variety of apple chutney) with the harmonious taste of salame mantovano and delicious mixed pickled vegetables to accompany the schiacciatina (dried focaccia) and grissini ai ciccioli (breadsticks with pork scratchings). To end on a high note, the sweet and crunchy torta sbrisolona. (almond crumble cake)



  • 1 Package of schiacciatine 200gr
  • 1 Package of breadsticks with pork scratchings 180gr
  • 1 Jar of apples mostarda 150gr
  • 1 Salami mantovano 500gr
  • 1 Jar of 390gr mixed pickled vegetables
  • 1 Sbrisolona cake 300gr

Getting spicy

For those who wish to add that extra touch of flavour

Directly from ancient peasant traditions, Her majesty Mostarda (similar to a chutney), proposed in 4 flavours: campanine apples, delica mantovana pumpkin, figs and pears. Strong, full flavours to serve with vegetables, meats and delicately flavoured fish. All the goodness of Mantova, for delicious and richly flavoured dishes and samples, at lunch, dinner or for an aperitif.



  • 1 Jar of “Campanine” apple mostarda 150gr
  • 1 Jar of delica mantovana pumpkin mostarda 150gr
  • 1 Jar of pears mostarda 150gr
  • 1 Jar of figs mostarda 150gr

Getting sweet

For those who can't give up on sweetness

To end your meal on a high note, at breakfast or for a sweet break of pure goodness, we propose three delicious choices from the cuisine of Mantova.
The famous torta sbrisolona (almond crumble cake) which can be either the ‘classic’ version or the chocolate drops version – to nibble and savour in all its crunchiness; or the soft and delicious torta delle rose, a butter based cake with its typical rosebud shape.


  • 1 ‘Classic’ Sbrisolona Cake 300 gr
  • 1 Sbrisolona Cake with chocolate drops 300gr
  • 1 Rose Cake 500gr

Getting happy

For those who seek all the pleasures of living well

For you, a collection for true connoisseurs with the best possible selection of typical Mantuan wines: Mantuan Lambrusco* and wines from the best native vines of the Morainic hills, perfect during meals, but also excellent with an aperitif or for a toast with friends! There is certain to be a happy occasion to raise a glass.

*Lambrusco is one of the oldest wines in history, indeed, the ancient Mantuan poet Virgil makes reference to the “vitis labrusca” in his fifth Bucolic. Mantovani have enjoyed this exuberant and delicious wine for thousands of years and ensure to always serve it chilled. Real Lambrusco is not sweet and we have chosen the highest quality, local producers in order to bring you the true flavour of one of our best kept secrets



  • 1 Bottle of DOP Mantuan Lambrusco
  • 1 Bottle of Garda DOC Merlot
  • 1 Bottle of sparkling white wine Garda DOC

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